The Liberty Rifles in conjunction with the Civil War Trust hosted a fully immersive Soldier Life Experience event in Culpeper County, Virginia. We portrayed the 8th Virginia Infantry of Garnett's Brigade, Pickett's Division, Longstreet's Corps, during their week long lull in the vicinity of Culpeper, just prior to Longstreet's Corps advancing North for the Gettysburg Campaign. We recreated the 8th Virginia from the top down—10 companies, to match their June 1863 rosters. The camp was a static one, where the wagons have caught up to the infantry.
The 8th Virginia Infantry Regiment was formed in May 1861 and assembled and trained at the Fair Grounds near Leesburg. The unit was comprised of men from the Northern Virginia counties of Loudoun, Fauquier, Fairfax and Prince William. Over 60% of the men filling the ranks were farmers, with some clerks and tradesmen mixed in. Slightly over 1/4 of the population in Loudoun, Fairfax, and Prince William Counties were enslaved, while 50% of the population in Fauquier County was enslaved. An excellent article on Loudoun County leading up to and during the Civil War can be found at
The Companies forming the regiment were enlisted for one year as follows:
Company A - Hillsboro Border Guards - Loudoun County
Company B - Piedmont Rifles - Fauquier County
Company C - Evergreen Guards - Prince William County
Company D - Champe Rifles - Loudoun County
Company E - Hampton's Company - Loudoun County
Company F - Blue Mountain Boys - Loudoun County
Company G - Thrift's Company - Fairfax County
Company H - Potomac Grays - Loudoun County
Company I - Simpson's Company - Loudoun County
Company K - Scott's Company - Fauquier County
Colonel Eppa Hunton
Commanded by Colonel Eppa Hunton from their muster through the Gettysburg Campaign, the 8th Virginia saw extensive fighting, gaining fame at Ball's Bluff and becoming hardened veterans during the fighting in Virginia in 1862. The "Bloody 8th" would miss the battle of Chancellorsville along with the rest of Pickett's Division as they were conducting operations in Eastern North Carolina and Suffolk until being recalled to the Army of Northern Virginia in May in anticipation of the coming campaign. For a week and a half in June, Longstreet's Corps would camp in and around the vicinity of Culpeper, preparing to follow Ewell's columns northward. Their time was filled drilling and inspections, along with some relaxation and the enjoyment of a respite from marching. The June muster rolls show the 8th Virginia had 205 men present for duty. The goal of this event is to field all 10 Companies of that Regiment – all 205 men – and to recreate their experience in Culpeper County in June of 1863, as they prepared to invade the North.
The Quartermaster and Ordnance returns for Pickett's Division from the 1st and 2nd Quarter of 1863 show substantial issues of clothing and equipment being distributed to the Brigades therein. In June the division received 700 new knapsacks, 800 haversacks, and 836 canteens. It is also apparent that Pickett's Division was well supplied with Fly Tents produced in Richmond under contract by James T. Butler and Co. As Pickett's Division arrived in Chambersburg, PA on June 30th, the regimental reports almost unanimously identified their condition as "good". It is evident from the returns that in June, Pickett's Division was well furnished and supplied with Confederate Central Government equipment and clothing from Richmond. Their time spent away from the Army of Northern Virginia in 1863 prior to Gettysburg meant that, aside from captured and refurbished stocks that may have been issued, they likely had little opportunity to acquire Federal equipment. As such, its use should be limited at this event.
The idea behind these impression guidelines is to create a best guess through research and an understanding of the workings of the Confederate Quartermaster Department in Richmond. Our goal will be to create a regimental impression. This means some degree of matching patterns of haversacks, or matching canteen types, or matching knapsack types is most appropriate. The idea is to replicate the look of a regiment that was being issued clothing and equipment from the government. We're not definitively saying that the 8th Virginia only had X, Y or Z, but we do argue that a Confederate regiment in this context during this period of the war, didn't have 50 different unique haversacks, and 50 different “Type 2” jackets made of 50 different fabrics, etc.
Sgt. Benjamin Franklin Leith, Co E, 8th Virginia. Likely taken in May/June 1863 when Pickett’s Division was passing through Richmond, as it’s a Reese Gallery shot. Leith is wearing an 8 button “Type 2” Richmond Clothing Bureau Jacket. Courtesy of Military Images.
Pvt. Bushrod Bell, Co. D, 8th Virginia - Wearing a Richmond Clothing Bureau "Type 2" jacket, slouch hat, and white shirt.
Sgt. John French White, 32nd Va of Pickett's Division, image dated May 15, 1863 - Wearing a Richmond Clothing Bureau "Type 2" jacket.
Richmond Clothing Bureau "Type 2" jacket made of vegetable dyed brown or gray jeans. If you need to or wish to get a new jacket for this event, we HIGHLY recommend County Cloth L1 Logwood Jeans (woven specifically to match the fabric seen in four of the six surviving jeans Richmond jackets) or Ben Tart's Yarn Dyed Sumac. Linings should be cotton osnaburg, not shirting.
A frock coat of domestic cloth is an acceptable option. Oddball “commutation” uniforms or outlandish fabrics are not permitted.
Four surviving Richmond Clothing Bureau "Type 2" Jackets.
The effects of Capt. Grayson, killed July 3, 1863.
Confederate issue shirt made of cotton osnaburg is preferred. The “Hollyday” pattern works very well, and the “Louisiana” pattern can be used to make a good representative example.
Citizen's shirts. We're trying to limit the number of "homespun" check shirts, not because they're wrong, just very over represented in our opinion. So if you have a nice cotton print shirt, or plain cotton or wool citizen's shirt, go with that over the homespun.
Richmond Clothing Bureau trousers made of vegetable dyed brown or gray jeans.
Other military-style trousers made out of similar domestic cloth.
Pvt. Hollyday’s Richmond Clothing Bureau shirt.
Pvt. Hollyday's Richmond Clothing Bureau trousers. Photo Courtesy of Dick Milstead.
Citizen’s “slouch” hats
Richmond Clothing Bureau caps with bound oilcloth brims, made of domestic jeans
Confederate military shoes or citizen’s shoes or boots
Federal Bootees if that is all you have
Goulding Haversack,
CS haversack copied from an original government-made example. This is an easy way to create some uniformity within a company. Simple osnaburg haversacks such as the "Henry Neal" or "Goulding" bags are great options. Please avoid haversacks made of carpet, tapestry, ticking, etc.
Federal bags in small numbers.
Tin drum canteen on a plain webbing, sewn cotton, or leather sling is strongly preferred
Wooden “Gardner” pattern canteen on a plain webbing, sewn cotton, or leather sling
Refurbished Federal canteen with a CS-made “split” leather sling or Federal sling if you have nothing else.
☞☞ Marching Order should be light!☜☜
Knapsacks are encouraged based upon surviving documentation from the summer of 1863. Garnett's Brigade and the 8th Virginia were identified as having knapsacks to a degree worth mentioning. To promote a semblance of uniformity, we have identified three types of knapsacks that will be acceptable for this event – if you don't have one of these three types, go with a blanket roll.
Isaac and Campbell knapsack
“Kibbler”/ “Mexican War”-style knapsack
"Reissued" Federal knapsacks
Confederate issue and citizen’s blankets are preferred.
The ONLY acceptable tentage for enlistedmen is a 20' x 12' 9" CS Fly Tent. All tentage must be hand sewn. No Federal shelter halves. Correct Fly Tents are HIGHLY encouraged as Pickett's Division was well supplied with them during this period. If you, your mess, or your company are interested in making one, kits are available for $100. Further information on and instruction on how to make a Fly TENT.
Fly Tents issued through the Quartermaster Department in Richmond in use in the field.
A mix of ammunition was being issued to Pickett's Division in the 2nd Quarter of 1863, with .58 caliber being most predominant, followed by .69 caliber, with a very small amount of .54 caliber ammunition being issued.
P-1853 Enfield Rifle Musket.
M-1855/1861 Springfield or Richmond
M-1816 Springfield converted to percussion or M-1842 Springfield.
All arms must be clean, oiled, and in excellent working order.
Domestically-made Confederate issue cartridge box, cap box, belt, and scabbard with ANV provenance is preferred. Plain roller buckle or frame buckle belts are encouraged.
Imported British cartridge boxes, cap pouches, Ball Bags, belts, and scabbards.
Federal accoutrements if you have nothing else.