The Liberty Rifles hosted an immersive Living History at Sailor's Creek Battlefield, portraying the 87th Pennsylvania Infantry, including a tactical demonstration of the engagement which took place there in April of 1865. We assembled a battalion consisting of six companies, a color guard, field music, and a wagon and ran the weekend on a strict military schedule and in accordance with a military chain of command and structure.
Comrades in the 87th Pa.
A Corporal of the 87th Pa.
Pvt. Aaron Shertzer, Company I, 87th PA - Mustered in March 1865 - Showing an axe wound to his foot in this image.
Impression Guidelines
87th Pennsylvania Infantry, spring of 1865. Appearance and clothing should be worn and muddy as this is a very wet, active, and constant campaign once Petersburg breaks. Dirty is good, but be subtle about it - don't go overboard. LIGHT marching order. Shouldn't need anymore baggage than a shelter half, blanket, and gum blanket.
3rd Division, 6th Corps (light blue Greek cross). Everyone should have a corps badge fixed somewhere on their kit (coat, cap, canteen). The majority of privates would have had cloth badges sewn on. NCOs and officers can get a bit fancier if so desired, with metal, or more ornate badges.
All clothing must be made with proper construction techniques, correct patterns, and 100% natural fiber cloth to closely mimic original goods.
Awarded the Medal of Honor.
Blouses are greatly preferred as most images depict the 87th in this time with blouses.
Commercial jackets and blouses, and enlistedmen's dress coats are also acceptable
Enlistedmen's infantry overcoats are very appropriate for early April.
Sky blue federal trousers
Federal Issue shirts preferred
Citizen's shirts or shirts from home also acceptable
Citizens hat, dress hat or Federal cap - whichever you prefer
US bootees or boots
Bivouac of the 87th Pa.
All equipment shall be high quality reproductions in terms of construction and materials used. NO SUTLER ROW JUNK.
Light marching order. Sketches of the 87th show the men with blanket rolls. Knapsacks are acceptable as well but MUST BE A QUALITY REPRODUCTION.
Sketch of a soldier in the 87th PA suffering through cold, wet picket duty.
Federal issue blanket
Federal issue gum blanket
Federal issue shelter half
Federal issue haversack
Federal bullseye canteen
Federal smoothside canteen
Avoid leather canteen straps
1861 or 1864 pattern cartridge boxes
Early or later style cap pouches
Waist belts with leather loop or brass keeper
Either 2-rivet or 7-rivet scabbards
All arms and bayonets shall be in EXCELLENT working order, clean, functioning, and safe. According to the Ordnance Reports for the 4th Quarter of 1864, the 87th Pa. had a mix of Springfields and Enfields at a 3 (S) to 1 (E) ratio.
1861 or 1863 Springfield
1853 Enfield